So here is my draft after taking some advise from Professor Bennion, my honors faculty mentor. He did remind me that this is a lot to take on. That worries me, but I honestly don't know how to trim it down or how to crop out anything. Just cutting out the five pages from the
last draft was tough. The main difference between this and my first draft is that the beginning is more focused into having three parts rather than two separate projects. I also took out a lot on photography, and my avatars are absent in this version. I trimmed down my qualifications, my bibliography, and my background and significance section the most.
I'm really excited and optimistic about where this is going though!
A Portrait of Dharamsala:
An Honors Creative Writing Thesis Prospectus Exploring the Universal Importance and Nature of Stories
by Rachel Rueckert
I propose to continue the research I began in Ghana last summer on a field study exploring the nature of stories and the authenticity of travel experience. Based on my findings, I have undertaken another field study, this time to Dharamsala, India, to follow up on some of my questions and gather material for a creative nonfiction project. There are three parts of this project I hope to accomplish:
First, I want to record stories from the population that makes up the unique city of Dharamsala, India through a collection of travel essays that focus on cultural anthropology. Dharamsala is a Tibetan refugee settlement, home of the Dalai Lama, and a diverse city that welcomes people from all over the world. In order to represent this location, I hope to blend both personal essay and analysis of anthropological material. Ideally these essays could stand alone, but my presence and personal narration will tie the essays together.
In order to complete these essays, I will be documenting my travels and learning experience in two different ways, both of which are viable methods to creating my final product as well as different ways of mediating my experience.
One of these methods, and the second part of this project I hope to accomplish, is to keep a conventional paper journal. I will be doing daily writing by hand in the field which I will reference in order to write my travel essays.
The second way I will record my experience, which is the final aim of this project, is through an academic blog. I am interested in comparing the conventional paper journal with this new interactive form that I believe enhances the traditional writing process and serves as a viable medium on its own. This blog will highlight some of the limitations of my own subjective experience abroad to better understand the fragile nature of stories. It will also allow me to publish drafts, document my learning process, and connect with others who can give me feedback along the way.
By drawing from both of these modes of documentation I hope to add more dimensions to my thesis and have more material from which I will base my travel essays. I believe that this project has the potential to help others learn more about Dharamsala, show that stories are universally important, encourage people to recognize stories within their proper context, and demonstrate how evolving digital media has enhanced the traditional creative writing process.
Background and Significance: